Join us sundays at 10:30 am

At One City, we believe it is essential that we are regularly taking in God's Word.  This year, we are focusing on the New Testament.  Each Quarter, a new sheet will be provided to guide you.  We encourage you to print this off and keep it in your Bible.  By the end of 2024, you will have read through the entire New Testament (during the week), as well as Proverbs and Psalms (on the weekends).

There will also be a different key Bible memory verse to memorize each week.  At the bottom of the guide are helpful suggestions for those interested in journaling their experience through the Scripture

New Testament Reading Plan: January - March, 2024: Download

New Testament Reading Plan: April - June, 2024: Download

New Testament Reading Plan: July - September, 2024: Download

New Testament Reading Plan: October - December, 2024:  Download