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Why Church Membership?

At One City, we want people to love Jesus!  But what about his people?  How important is involvement in a local church?  Some have been hurt by a church (or know others who have been) and have vowed never to commit to a local church. 

Isn't loving Jesus enough?

Though our relationship with God is a deeply personal one, it is never merely a private affair. Throughout history, God has been acting to save a people, not a disconnected group of isolated individuals (1 Peter 2:9-10).  And, though you will not find an explicit verse saying "Thou shalt join a church," the concept of believers being in a recognized, committed relationship with one another is all throughout the New Testament.  This context makes sense of so many of the New Testament admonitions. Consider the following:

  •  With whom, specifically, will you obey the 59 “one another” passages of the NT?
  • To whom, specifically, are you to submit, and for whom, specifically, will Christian leaders give an account according to Hebrews 13:17?
  • For whom are Christian leaders responsible to shepherd according to 1 Peter 5:1-2?

A key New Testament assumption is that the Christian life should be lived out in relationship with other believers in the context of the local church. Although we enter into a relationship with God as individuals, we nevertheless enter into something greater than our own individuality: the community of God’s people - the church.

Therefore, at One City Church, we are inviting followers of Christ to live in meaningful ways as redeemed, but broken people in order to build one another up and bring glory to Christ (Eph. 4:11-16).

How to Become a Covenant Church Member

  1. The first step to membership is to begin faithfully attending. Dive right in and get to know people, listen to the teaching, and begin to discern the Lord's will for your life regarding membership at One City Church. 
  2. Download and complete the Membership Pursuit Documents. (Once completed, submit them to one of the elders or email them to
  3. Complete an interview with an elder of OCC. 
  4. Be approved by congregational vote at an official Covenant Entrance Day service.