Join us sundays at 10:30 am

Our messages are available online! You can browse through our messages by series, topic, date or speaker. 

November 26, 2023

How to Listen to God

Preacher: Bill Neff Series: Non-Series Sermons Topic: Discipleship

July 2, 2023

Freedom in Christ

Preacher: Greg Van Schoyck Series: Evangelism & Discipleship Topic: Discipleship Scripture: Galatians 5:1

September 12, 2021

The Beatitudes

Preacher: Alec Millen Series: Sermon on the Mount Topic: Discipleship Scripture: Matthew 5:3–11

March 18, 2018

Heaven Bound: Abiding In Christ

Preacher: Zack Wilson Series: Gospel of John Topic: Discipleship Scripture: John 15:1–11

February 18, 2018

Heaven Bound: Love Others & Pray for God's Glory

Preacher: Alec Millen Series: Gospel of John Topic: Discipleship Scripture: John 13:31–35, John 14:1–14